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Home » News » Digido Named the Philippines’ Digital Lending Product of the Year at the Global Retail Banking Innovation Awards 2023

Digido Named the Philippines’ Digital Lending Product of the Year at the Global Retail Banking Innovation Awards 2023

Digido is pleased to announce that it was recognized, with high acclaim, as the Philippines’ Digital Lending Product of the Year at this year’s Global Retail Banking Innovation Awards, organized by The Digital Banker.

The platform was lauded for effectively reaching the underbanked and underserved customer
segments in the Philippines, using smart technologies to extend digital credit solutions, as well as its sustained growth in net income and loan issuance.

The Global Retail Banking Innovation Awards is the flagship awards programme of The Digital Banker, a trusted publication for news, business intelligence and research for the wider financial sector. Winners for this year’s edition of the Awards were chosen by co-judges from prominent management consulting firms.

Commenting on the recognition, country manager Farit Shakirov issued the following statement:

“We are humbled with this recognition from the Global Retail Banking Innovation Awards 2023 and are thankful to its judges for recognizing our efforts to elevate the digital lending industry in the Philippines.”

“We consider this award as unrivaled motivation to press on with Digido’s mission to serve the Philippines’ underbanked with our safe, trustworthy and inclusive lending services. We look forward to offering more products, improving our customer experience and maintaining that delicate balance between sustainable profitability and people-first business practices.”

“We envision all Filipinos, regardless of social status, to have access to formal credit and have the capacity to build their credit score. Through our services and strategic partnerships, we remain excited to contribute accordingly to the country’s digital transformation.”

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Written by: Digido Financial Writers Team

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Digido Financial Writers Team is a team of experts in the field of finance and credit, specializing in writing articles for Digido blogs.