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Best Tips for Survive Petsa de Peligro

Last updated: June 13, 2024
Written by: Digido Financial Writers Team | Reviewed by: Anna Kireeva

Key takeaways:

  • “Petsa de peligro” is what the Philippines call the days leading up to the next paycheck.
  • In this article, we give financial tips on how to survive Petsa de Peligro.
  • If you are in dire financial straits, Digido can help you.
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*Interest payments are approximate. The final loan amount and interest rate must be confirmed in your loan agreement after loan approval
Who can get a Digido loan?
You are 21-70 years old
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It is not unusual around the world that we live from one paycheck to another. In our beloved country, the days leading to the next paycheck are called “petsa de peligro.”

It is a Spanish phrase. The petsa de peligro meaning is:

Petsa – date
De – of
Peligro – danger

It is called so because as the day of the next paycheck draws near, our funds are also almost depleted. Today, let us talk more about this phenomenon and how you can find solutions for it.

Petsa de peligro meaning

What is Petsa de Peligro in the Philippines?

In the Philippines, the typical payday is every 15th and the last day of the month. Once you receive your salary, you have to wait for two more weeks to get your next one. Before the two weeks are over, it is likely that your salary is almost gone.

That’s when Petsa de Peligro begins, a term used to describe critical days for the budget.

We’ve already said that Petsa de Peligro translates from Spanish as “day of danger”. Sure, it’s a metaphor, but that doesn’t make it any easier. These are really the most critical days of the month. After all, money is running out and you still have to wait until payday.

The “day of danger” represents life from salary to salary, when even the cheapest vegetable dish or tinned food seems tastier, because the money for good food is gone. Unfortunately, Petsa de Peligro is a regular occurrence. It is nothing but a sign of poor management of one’s own money, poor financial habits that many Filipinos suffer from

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Why is Petsa de Peligro Peculiar to Filipinos?

Because you have to pay your bills, eat every day, pay for other expenses, and so much more. Petsa de peligro happens because the salary in the Philippines is low. So, it is not unusual for the ordinary Filipino to experience this.

However, there are a few specific and most common causes of Petsa de Peligro:

  1. Excessive wastefulness in the first days after receiving a salary. This is especially characteristic of young people, who feel like real rich people once they get the money. They spend money in restaurants, buy things they could do without. That is, they do what can be characterized by the phrase “you only live once”.
  2. Small salary. Sometimes even without being wasteful and saving the money received for work, it is not possible to cope with the “day of danger”. A meager income makes it impossible to put money aside or to cope with current expenses.
  3. Paying off debts. Another frequent cause of Petsa de Peligro. It can be not only debts on loans, but also debts to neighbors or relatives. That is, money you borrowed to survive the past Petsa de Peligro but now you have to give it back.
  4. Lack of savings. Many Filipinos are unable to set aside money in savings to use in case of emergency. Unfortunately, we have already stated the reasons for this above: small salaries, wastefulness, debts.
  5. Bad habits. Unwise spending on beer and other excesses can lead to a situation where there is no money left even for essential food and services.

Tips how to Survive Petsa de Peligro

Petsa de peligro

Since almost every Filipino goes through this dreaded date, here are some petsa de peligro tips that will help you avoid it.

1. Make a budget

The first thing you have to do is to make a budget. A budget is a plan that tells you how you should spend your money. Know how much money is regularly coming in, then decide how it has to be spent. List down the cost of your expenses, and see where you can cut down.

A budget must also tell you how much is left after all the expenses are paid. Here is an example of a budget for one month:

  • Rent — Php 10,000;
  • Utilities — Php 5,000;
  • Food — Php 20,000;
  • Tuition — Php 6,000;
  • Transportation — Php 4,000.

As you can see, the total expense for this household is Php 45,000. If you are earning Php 50,000, then you still have Php 5,000 left.

The problem with many people is that since they know that they still have ₱12,000, they will find all sorts of ways to spend. They will shop online on Amazon or Lazada, or go to the mall and buy things they don’t really need. Now, if your salary is less than your expenses, this is where you need to tighten your belt. You have to find ways to reduce your expenses. The sad fact is that you cannot afford it, so you better find ways to cut down on your lifestyle.

2. Stick to the budget

Once you have created a plan, you have to stick to it. A budget that is not adhered to is nothing more than a list on paper. This is one of the difficult things to do to avoid Petsa de Peligro. We are often tempted to go over budget. If the budget for food is only Php 7,000 per month, then stick to that. What it means is that you have to divide that into 15 days, and make sure you do not spend more than that.

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3. Track your spending

You have to list down your expenses every day and then categorize them properly. This way, you know how much you spent, and you would find out if you succeeded in sticking to your budget.

If you know how to use Excel, then we strongly recommend that you create an expenses tracker. If you don’t, there are apps out there that you can use to track your expenses. They automatically generate graphs and charts to help you see where your money has gone. If you’re worried about having to pay for these apps, don’t worry. Most of them are completely free. Choose the one you like best from the Android or iOS app shop and test it out. You’ll love the fact that you’ll regularly see where your money is spent and how much is left.

If you don’t trust apps or don’t want to use a computer, you can get a notebook or notepad to record your expenses in. Draw out the income/expense columns and fill them in regularly without missing any spending or receipts.

Why is this important? If you know where your money has gone, you will be able to manage your finances. For example, if you spent too much on electricity this month, you can do something about it.

What is Petsa de peligro

4. Make savings a priority

When you make your budget, you have to ensure that you save at least 20% of your income. It has to be done – this is the only way you can avoid petsa de peligro. Sure, 20% may be too high. If it is, then start at 5%, then raise it to 10%. Soon, you will be able to save enough money where you can withdraw if you are financially tight. Just a word here: if you save money, do not look for ways to spend it. Your savings should be there in standby if there is an emergency.

5. Invest for the long term

Apart from saving money, you also have to invest in the long term. What you have to do is to look for investment options that have low-risk. For example, you can invest your money in mutual funds. There are many companies in the Philippines that allow you to save money on a monthly basis.

The funds you save will be used for investment, and you will earn interests. Many of these also have life insurance that comes with the package.

6. Avoid spending

The last tip we have for you is to avoid frivolous spending. No, you do not need to drink expensive coffee every day. You also do not need a new phone case.

If you are earning money, what you want to do is to preserve it, not waste it. The main problem why people go through petsa de peligro is not the money they earn, but the money they spend. Too many times, people spend because they feel good about themselves after spending. тDo not be like these people. You have to fight the urge of spending. There is no need to keep up with the Joneses. Keep your money and invest them wisely. The feeling of euphoria after spending is fleeting – it does not last long. There is also no need to impress people. What you have to focus on is your future. All of us will grow old. One day, we will not be able to work anymore. Without savings for retirement, you will be in petsa de peligro for the remaining days of your life.

These tips are effective ways of managing your money. If you do not make a conscious effort to manage your funds, you will be experiencing petsa de peligro all the time.

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Loan Requirements For Unemployed

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7. Take advantage of online promos

Often shopping centers or even small shops in the vicinity have sales or online promos where you can buy groceries or other goods at a significant discount. This is a great chance to save money during or before the Petsa de Peligro period to put some money away.
However, don’t buy all the items in a promotion, only buy what you really need.

8. Plan your meals ahead

Food is where most of the money you earn is spent. In order to cut costs or at least not to exceed the planned spending, learn to plan your diet in advance. Calculate what products and how much you buy for a week or a month. Make a menu: the meals you will prepare for a certain period of time. Prepare a list of the groceries you will need for this. And then go to the shop and buy food strictly according to your list, do not put anything extra in your basket. This approach will help you save money and bring your food expenses under control.

How to Survive Petsa de Peligro

9. Stay home on weekends

Those who prefer to go to restaurants on weekends or attend some kind of parties, better consider spending these days at home. Watch TV, chat with your family, cook a family dinner. This will not only save money, but will also give you the pleasure of socializing with your loved ones.

10. Bring your own

If you have to eat lunch at work, consider taking ready meals from home. That way you won’t have to go to a café during your break and spend extra money on your family budget.
Buy handy lunch boxes to keep your food appetizing even after a while.

11. Pay goods in cash

Great advice for those who use a bank card on a regular basis. Unfortunately, spending with a credit card is not very visible. But it can be harder to get cash out of your wallet. So if you want to save money, withdraw the amount you plan to spend in cash from an ATM. Spend it only, don’t use your credit card.
This way you will notice how quickly money disappears and you will think about what you can save money on to save at least something until payday.
12. Use of public transport, ride a bike, or walk
Spending money on petrol for your own car or on taxi rides is a significant drain on your budget, especially at a time when money is getting tight before payday. A good option to save money is to take public transport or cycle to work or the shops. It’s much cheaper than petrol and car maintenance costs, and if you work close to home, walk to your place of work. Not only is it free, but it’s also good for your health.

Petsa de peligro in Philippines

13. Avoid impulse purchases

There are so many temptations that surround us in shops and on the internet. Celebrities and bloggers advertise things that they say we can’t do without. And we buy another thing we don’t really need, without even thinking about how dangerous it is for our budget.
It is important to learn not to give in to emotions, but to think and calculate how much this or that purchase will cost and how destructive it is for the budget. It is difficult, but necessary.
These tips are effective ways of managing your money. If you do not make a conscious effort to manage your funds, you will be experiencing Petsa de Peligro all the time.

How to Deal with the Petsa de Peligro?

The best way to deal with petsa de peligro is to avoid it. Make sure that you are financially aware of where you stand. Manage your expenses on a daily basis and try not to buy stuff that you do not really need. Filipinos are resilient people. It is not unusual to see petsa de peligro tips memes in social media. For example, there are photos of empty wallets that have the label “The None,” which is a meme that takes after the horror movie, “The Nun.”

Which takes us to another tip: find ways to smile. Petsa de peligro happens all the time, but you have to look into a bright future. Put a smile on your face and be positive. Even if the band aid price in the Philippines gets high, which is a sign of inflation, there is hope for you.

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Emergency Financial Aid

If you are running short of cash and the payday is still a week away, your only course of action is to borrow money. Sadly, the people you know may also be in the same situation.

While you could borrow from a bank, it is not likely that you get approved. It is also not wise to pawn your items. In this case, we recommend that you get a loan from Digido.

Digido is a company that offers loans.

Here are the eligibility requirements:

  • You must be a Filipino citizen and have a working cell phone;
  • You must be between 21 and 70 years of age;

Here are the highlights of the Digido loans:

  • Only 1 valid ID needed to apply;
  • 100% online application;
  • Funds will be deposited to your bank account;
  • Payment is also online;
  • Fast approval in 5 minutes;
  • 0% interest for first loan.

As you can see, Digido is a fast way to get money when you need it. The interest rate is low, and you do not have to waste time lining up in physical establishments. What you have to do is to fill out the application form online, and then submit your documents online.

Apply now

And the best part? You can get approved in just a few minutes. In some cases, it may take 30 minutes. Digido is the best alternative to loans. If you are going through petsa de peligro, you have to apply for a loan now while there is time.


Petsa de peligro can be avoided. While it is natural for us, Filipinos, to experience it, there are many ways by which you can fight it. Follow the tips we have shared above, and make sure you follow them.

If your financial situation is tight, you have Digido to help you. It is a great company that aims to help the Filipino masses to get by. Try applying for a loan in Digido if you are short in cash – you may get approved in as short as 15 minutes.

Learn more:
How to pay Netflix via Dragonpay App
OFW Loan for Filipinos
Motorcycle Loan Guide

Petsa de Peligro FAQs

  • What is Petsa de Peligro?
    Petsa de Peligro — the difficult period before payday when money runs out and there are still a few days to go before payments are due.
  • Is it worth going to a pawn shop in Petsa de Peligro?
    We wouldn't advise it. Because if you don't buy back the collateral in time, you will lose the valuable thing. It is better to take out an unsecured loan.
  • Why is Petsa de peligro so popular in the Philippines?
    This is because financial education is very low in the Philippines. Most people go broke at the end of the month for two reasons. First, they immediately spend all the money they have in their pockets. Second, saving at least a minimal percentage of one's salary is not common.
  • Is it possible to avoid Petsa de peligro?
    Of course! Revisit your budget and use our money-saving tips.
  • What is the best way to keep track of my expenses?
    Everyone chooses the way he or she likes best. You can regularly write down your receipts and expenses for purchases and services in a notebook or enter all the data in an Excel spreadsheet. For those who use a mobile phone on a regular basis, it is convenient to use an app to keep track of expenses. These handy programmes can be downloaded free of charge from app shops. There's no charge for using them either. Choose the one that is closest to you and control your spending
Disclaimer and Editor’s note


Digido Financial Writers Team is a team of experts in the field of finance and credit, specializing in writing articles for Digido blogs.
Anna Kireeva
Author pages:
Anna is a marketing communications professional who specializes in digital marketing strategies and long-form content.

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