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In this article you will learn about the salaries paid to government employees as well as the Salary Grade 2024 Table and employee loan conditions. If you work in government jobs, Digido is likely to approve your application. You can get up to 25,000 pesos!

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Salary Grade 2024: Government Employees

Last updated: April 11, 2024

Written by: Digido Financial Writers Team | Reviewed by: Anna Kireeva

Key takeaways:

  • As a government employee, you need to understand that the budget of the government depends on the country’s economy.
  • A lot of studies have to be done to ensure that any salary increase is sustainable.
  • If you are short in cash, be aware that you can depend on some government departments to get a loan. However, there are so many requirements that you may not even get approved.
  • In this case, do not despair. All you need is an online facility like Digido. It is quick and easy, plus the interest rates are low.

Every government, including the Philippines, has to revise its salary standards from time to time. This is imperative, as the value of money fluctuates year after year.
If you are thinking of working for the Philippine government, or if you are already a part of it, it is not unusual if you have heard about the Salary Standardization Law 2020.
Yes, there is a new salary grade for government employees, and you should know what the updates are. Today, we will discuss the critical information that you need to know about the new Salary Standardization Law.

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What Is the Salary Grade in the Philippines?

When we say grade, we are referring to a level. In the Philippines, there are 33 grade levels. The term “salary grade” is often referred to as “SG”. Level 1 has the lowest pay, and level 33 has the highest pay.
Every government employee is assigned a salary grade. The grade is based on the responsibility and the difficulty of the job. The higher SG, the bigger responsibility and the more difficult the job.

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Main Groups by Salary Level

There are several groups in the salary grade of the Philippines, which was updated in the Salary Standardization Law 5. Read on to find out more.

1. Highest grades
These are the top-ranking officers of the Philippine government. This group comprises salary grades 30 to 33. The salary grade 33 is for the president of the country, and the rest are for senators, people who were elected to congress, executive secretaries, commissioners, and others.

2. Professional supervisory
These are government positions in a supervisory role. Many government employees with a salary grade 9 to 33 are in the supervisory role. Because they are supervisors, they are expected to demonstrate a high level of skill in their respective professions.Some of the most common examples of these positions are school principals, police chiefs, directors, engineers at a leading capacity, and so much more.

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3. Professional non-supervisory
These are jobs in the government that require professional licenses, but the position is not supervisory in its nature. Although we’ve mentioned earlier that many employees with a salary grade 9 to 33 are at the supervisory level, that principle doesn’t always apply.
For this bracket, the salary grade is from 8 to 30. Many of these employees understand the art and sciences. They have to be a graduate of a 4-year course to be able to fit this position. The most common examples are chemists, statistician treasurers, etc. The reason why you can be in a high salary grade and yet belong to this bracket is simple: tenure.
As you stay longer in the government service, your salary will be upgraded, but it does not mean that you will be promoted to a supervisory position. While this is an old principle, it still applies to Salary Grade 2024 for government employees.

4. Sub-professional supervisory
This is the fourth group that covers the salary grades between 8 and 18. Most of these are clerical jobs that are done manually. Positions in these grades require only high school education or vocational education. Some may require at least 2 years in college.
Some of the most common examples are the jobs of an electrician, plumber, bookbinder, foreman, and more. However, take note that these are also supervisory positions.

5. Sub-professional non-supervisory
The last level is the lowest of all grades. They do not hold any supervisory function, and they also do not require a professional college level of education. Most of these are positions from salary grade level 1 to 10. The most common examples of these are staff aide, dental aide, facilities service personnel, and many more.


  • How much will teachers' salaries increase in 2024?
    Under the SSL, the teachers and other employees who are receiving Salary Grade 11 will receive an increase from P20,754 a month to P22,316 in 2020; P23,877 in 2021; P25,439 in 2022; and P27,000 in 2024.
  • What is salary grade and salary step?
    Salary grades set minimum and maximum wages for a particular position. Salary grades are paid according to job location and seniority.
  • What is the salary grade of barangay officials?
    The minimum salary for barangay officials and personnel shall be as follows: Barangay Salary Grade I, P15,000; Barangay Salary Grade II, P25,000; Barangay Salary Grade III, P35,000.

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What Is the Salary Step?

A salary step is a division of each salary grade. For each grade, there are 8 steps. What this means is that you can remain in the same salary grade, but you will receive an increase in your salary over the years.
According to the Salary Standardization Law V, a salary step is like a merit increase. It is not awarded to you annually, but it is awarded according to your performance.

Salary Grade 2024 Table

Below is a table that shows you the updated Salary Standardization Law 2024 Table:

Salary Grade Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Step 8
1 13,000 13,109 13,219 13,329 13,441 13,553 13,666 13,780
2 13,819 13,925 14,032 14,140 14,248 14,357 14,468 14,578
3 14,678 14,792 14,905 15,020 15,136 15,251 15,369 15,486
4 15,586 15,706 15,827 15,948 16,071 16,193 16,318 16,443
5 16,543 16,671 16,799 16,928 17,057 17,189 17,321 17,453
6 17,553 17,688 17,824 17,962 18,100 18,238 18,379 18,520
7 18,620 18,763 18,907 19,053 19,189 19,346 19,494 19,644
8 19,744 19,923 20,104 20,285 20,486 20,653 20,840 21,029
9 21,129 21,304 21,483 21,663 21,844 22,026 22,210 22,396
10 23,176 23,370 23,565 23,762 23,961 24,161 24,363 24,567
11 27,000 27,284 27,573 27,865 28,161 28,462 28,766 29,075
12 29,165 29,449 29,737 30,028 30,323 30,622 30,924 31,230
13 31,320 31,633 31,949 32,269 32,594 32,922 33,254 33,591
14 33,843 34,187 34,535 34,888 35,244 35,605 36,971 36,341
15 36,619 36,997 37,380 37,768 38,160 38,557 38,959 39,367
16 39,672 40,088 40,509 40,935 41,367 41,804 42,247 42,694
17 43,030 43,488 43,951 44,420 44,895 45,376 45,862 46,355
18 46,725 47,228 47,738 48,253 48,776 49,305 49,840 50,382
19 51,357 52,096 52,847 53,610 54,386 55,174 55,976 56,790
20 57,347 58,181 59,030 59,892 60,769 61,660 62,565 63,485
21 63,997 64,940 65,899 66,873 67,864 68,870 69,893 70,933
22 71,511 72,577 73,661 74,762 75,881 77,019 78,175 79,349
23 80,003 81,207 82,432 83,683 85,049 86,437 87,847 89,281
24 90,078 91,548 93,043 94,562 96,105 97,674 99,268 100,888
25 102,690 104,366 106,069 107,800 109,560 111,348 113,166 115,012
26 116,040 117,933 119,858 121,814 123,803 125,823 127,876 129,964
27 131,124 133,264 135,440 137,650 139,897 142,180 144,501 146,859
28 148,171 150,589 153,047 155,545 158,083 160,664 163,286 165,951
29 167,432 170,166 172,943 175,766 178,634 181,550 184,513 187,525
30 189,199 192,286 195,425 198,615 201,856 205,151 208,499 211,902
31 278,434 283,872 289,416 295,069 300,833 306,708 312,699 318,806
32 331,954 338,649 345,478 352,445 359,553 366,804 374,202 381,748
33 419,144 431,718 _ _ _ _ _ _

As you can see the Salary grade table 2024, the person with the highest pay is the president of the Philippines. The next highest grades are those of senators and people in the congress. Most of these are positions where you do not get appointed but get elected instead.

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What Is the Salary Standardization Law?

The Salary Standardization Law 5 2020 was actually enacted in 2019. In this law, there is going to be a pay hike for the workers of the Philippine government. The average increase is 5%. It is called Salary Grade 5 because it is the fifth law concerning the salary standards.
The salary increase will take 4 years to be implemented, with those at the first level receiving only ₱500 for the full year.

Four Tranches of Salary Standardization Law

This law was not implemented at one time. It was done in tranches, so the government budget does not get overwhelmed. The Salary Grade Table is already standardized. This is the fourth tranche, which means an effective increase for the fourth time until full compliance with the new grade, which was finalized in January 2023.

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Personal Loans for Government Employees

We all know that the government pay is low. It is not unusual to come across a situation in your life where your salary is less than what you need.
The solution to this is to file a loan. If you are a government employee, there are several kinds of government loans that you can take advantage of.
Here are a few examples:

GSIS – this is the social security system in the Philippines for government employees. If you need a loan, you can file for an emergency loan, a salary loan, or a multi-purpose loan. You have to be a paying member for at least 1 year, have a GSIS ID card, and you must not have any existing loan.

SSS – you can also borrow money from SSS provided that you are a paying member. However, it is rare to be a member of SSS and GSIS at the same time. If you are a member of the government, you are automatically paying your social security system to the GSIS.

PAG-IBIG – in this loan, you have to be an active member with 24 months of contribution. You must have a valid ID proving that you are a government employee. Here, you can borrow up to 80% of what your average monthly salary is.
Government loans offer small interests, the highest of which is 12% per year. However, this is still huge. Plus, there are so many prerequisites and requirements that if you are at salary grade 1, you may not even qualify.

Is there any alternative to it?

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Can I get loans for government employees in Digido?

The alternative to a government loan and a bank loan is Digido. It is an online facility where you can apply for a loan.
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There is no specific loan for government employees here. However, anyone who can prove that he or she is employed can apply for a loan. The loan application can be approved in as short as 24 hours. Also, all your documents will be submitted online. No more photocopying and getting signatures or going to a physical office and all that.
You will also get your loan amount via your bank account. By the time you want to pay your loan, you do not have to queue up. You can also pay your debt online.

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Written by: Digido Financial Writers Team

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Digido Financial Writers Team is a team of experts in the field of finance and credit, specializing in writing articles for Digido blogs.

Reviewed by: Anna Kireeva

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Anna is a marketing communications professional who specializes in digital marketing strategies and long-form content.