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DSWD Solo Parent Benefits in Philippines

Last updated: April 11, 2024
Written by: Alyssa Divina

Key takeaways:

  • A Solo Parent ID can be obtained from your local City or Municipal Social Welfare and Development Office.
  • It provides access to single parent benefits like additional leave, solo parent allowance, flexible work schedules, and protection against workplace discrimination.
  • It also offers educational, housing, and medical assistance for low-income solo parents.
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solo parent allowance

Being a solo parent does not have to be difficult. Even if you’re raising your child without a spouse or partner, your family resources should not be limited. You can find support in other family members, friends or in your community. In addition, the government will be more than willing to extend you benefits that will help you and your child.

Thanks to advancements in policies and attitudes, solo parents now have almost the same rights and protections as married parents and additional solo parent benefits as well. To access these benefits, you must have a valid solo parent ID, available through application or renewal at the DSWD office.

Today we are going to tell you what single parent benefits in the Philippines you can take advantage of if you have your own solo parent ID card from DSWD.

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DSWD Solo Parent Cash Assistance 2024

The Cash Assistance for Single Parents, initiated by the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD), is a social protection program that provides monthly cash grants to eligible solo parents and their dependent children.

It was established by Republic Act No. 11861 and later amended by Republic Act No. 8972 and the Expanded Solo Parents Welfare Act, RA 11861 (1), on June 4, 2022.

Eligible solo parents should have a dependent child under 18, or up to 22 (if the child is pursuing tertiary education), be a resident of the Philippines, and not be receiving other government financial aid.

Under the RA 11861, the definition of a solo parent has been expanded to include spouses and family members of OFWs in the low or semi-skilled category who have lived outside of the Philippines for a continuous period of 12 months, grandparents, guardians, and other family members fully responsible for a child. By the way, all solo parent OFWs  are eligible for a OFW personal loan with affordable loan terms

Solo Parent Monthly Allowance 2024:

The new law grants a ₱1,000 monthly subsidy to solo parents earning minimum wage salary in the Philippines and below, provided by the local government unit.

Additionally, if the solo parent’s annual income is less than ₱250,000, they receive a 10% discount and VAT exemption on certain purchases.

Solo parents also get seven days of parental leave irrespective of their employment status. Additional benefits of solo parent include:

  • automatic National health insurance program coverage
  • apprenticeship programs at TESDA (3) for parents and their children
  • the right to receive benefits until their child turns 22

The law also prioritizes solo parents earning below or within the minimum wage in the selection of new Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) (13) beneficiaries and provides for their inclusion in DSWD’s Sustainable Livelihood Program(2).

The program does not specifically target solo parents but rather the poorest families, which can include families headed by solo parents. To apply for the 4Ps or inquire about your eligibility, you should reach out to your local DSWD office or your Barangay office.

Learn How to Get
Solo Parent ID in Philippines: Requirements and Procedure

DSWD Solo Parent Benefits in Philippines

single parent benefits philippines

1. Parental Leave with Pay

Single parents in the Philippines are entitled to additional seven days’ parental leave with pay every year. You can use your parental leave to attend to your child/ren’s needs where your physical presence is required.

You can take parental leave within one year of receiving or renewing your solo parent ID, and if you have worked for your employer for at least one year, but note it is not convertible to money.

2. National Health Insurance Coverage and Medical Assistance

Under the Expanded Solo Parent Welfare Act, single parents are granted an automatic national health insurance coverage under National health insurance program. The responsibility of paying the insurance premiums falls on the national government, which shares the cost equally with the employer.

In addition, the Department of Health (DOH) (4) offers solo parents with health programs which can be availed from health centers, hospitals and health units across the country. This can cover a wide range of health-related services, including regular check-ups, necessary medical procedures, and prescription medication costs.

3. Solo Parent monthly Allowance

You will also receive financial assistance for single mothers in Philippines or solo parent monthly allowance of Php 1,000 per solo parent if you’re earning below minimum wage. You can get your subsidy from your local city or municipal government.

4. Discounts and VAT Exemptions

You don’t have to worry about buying milk or diapers for your child anymore! Present your ID card and take advantage of solo parent discount in Philippines 2024

The Expanded Solo Parent Welfare Act has granted single parents who are earning less than Php 250,000 annually with a 10% discount and VAT exemption on infant milk, food, micronutrient supplements, diapers, medicines, vaccines and other supplements purchased from the child’s birth until six years of age.

Example of cost calculation:

Let’s consider that the original price of the diapers, PHP 300, is inclusive of the VAT (which is usually the case in most retail prices). As you’re exempt from the VAT and entitled to a 10% discount, let’s do the math:

Remove the VAT from the original price: 300 / 1.12 = approximately PHP 267.86.
Apply the 10% discount: PHP 267.86 * 10% = PHP 26.786.

Final price: PHP 241.07

Therefore, considering the VAT exemption and the 10% discount, the price for the diapers for an eligible single parent would be approximately PHP 241.07.

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* Interest payments are approximate. The final loan amount and interest rate must be confirmed in your loan agreement after loan approval.

5. Scholarship Programs

If you know what are the most in demand jobs in the Philippines and want to pursue higher education, you can avail of scholarship programs on basic, tertiary and technical education. Your child will also be granted a full scholarship as well!

Department of Education (DepEd) (5), Commission on Higher Education (CHED) (6), and Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) offer educational assistance to solo parents. They are equipped to provide full scholarships for children of solo parents in technical, higher, and basic education sectors.

6. Skills Training

As a solo parent, you can avail of livelihood programs and training that can improve your quality of life and bring in possible income. So unemployed solo parents can use their skills to earn a living. Some local governments across the country offer programs like this, for example:

  • Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) (7)
  • Department of Education (DepEd)
  • Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) (8)
  • CHED

Solo parents are entitled to participate in complimentary training sessions that focus on fundamental business management and income-generating skills. Depending on their circumstances, they might also qualify for help with finding employment or even receive support in the form of startup capital for a business if, for example, they have food business ideas.

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7. Flexible Working Hours

Solo parents like you have the right to flexible working hours or varying arrival/departure times from work without affecting their core hours as set by their employers.

solo parent monthly allowance 2023 philippines

8. Protection Against Discrimination

Under the RA 8972 (9), employers are not allowed to discriminate against their solo parent employees with respect to the terms of their employment on account of their status.

9. Psychosocial Services

The DSWD provides solo parents with psychosocial support that will help them fulfill their responsibilities to their families and communities. These services are designed to:

  • Help solo parents resolve grief, frustration and loneliness
  • Provide learning opportunities that will strengthen their ability to raise children and assume other roles at home
  • Provide skills and livelihood training
  • Give access to available resources and other support services
  • Organize community support systems and growth groups of solo parents

10. Housing Benefits

You and your fellow solo parents can avail of housing assistance and allocation in public housing projects with liberal payment terms, provided that you are earning below minimum wage.

Housing assistance can be requested from the National Housing Authority (NHA) (10). The specifics of this benefit can vary, but it might include access to affordable housing programs, financial assistance for housing costs, or other forms of support.

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11. Workplace Support for Solo Parents 

In the Philippines, certain measures are in place to assist working parents, including solo parents, to better manage their personal and professional responsibilities. Two of these measures pertain to child minding centers and breastfeeding in the workplace:

Child Minding Centers: The Civil Service Commission (11) and the Department of Labor encourage the establishment of child minding centers or daycare facilities within workplaces. These facilities provide a safe, supervised environment for children while their parents are at work.

Breastfeeding in the Workplace: Philippine law is supportive of breastfeeding mothers, including those in the workplace. Both working mothers and solo parents are permitted to breastfeed in their workplaces. Employers are encouraged to provide a private, clean, and sanitary location, other than a bathroom, where employees can express breast milk during work hours.

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Summary Table of Solo Parent Benefits 2024

For your convenience, we have compiled the most important single parent benefits into one table:

Benefit Description
Parental Leave Entitles solo parents to an additional seven days of leave annually for various child-related needs.
Flexible Work Schedule Allows solo parents to request more flexible work schedules to spend more time with their children.
Non-Discrimination The Solo Parent Act prohibits employers from discriminating against solo parent employees in terms of employment conditions.
Additional Support Offers solo parents earning below the poverty threshold educational, housing, and medical assistance from various government agencies.
Skills Training Provides skills training from various government agencies to solo parents and their children for livelihood improvement.
Livelihood Support Offers solo parents free training on basic business management and livelihood skills, and in some cases, job placement assistance or business capital.
Counseling Service Provides counseling services to solo parents to improve relationships and resolve conflicts within the family.
Parent Effectiveness Services Programs aim to enhance parent effectiveness in areas such as child development, health care, behavior management, and more.
Special Projects Offers solo parents benefits like legal assistance, temporary shelter, crisis management, and spiritual enrichment.
Educational Benefits Enables solo parents and their children to avail of scholarship programs endorsed by government educational agencies.
Housing Benefits Entitles solo parents to an allocation in government housing projects with easy payment options if they fall below the poverty line.
Medical Assistance Offers comprehensive health programs developed by DOH to solo parents.
Psychosocial Services Provides psychosocial services to solo parents and their children to help them fulfill their roles and responsibilities, and strengthen their coping mechanisms.

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Paternity Benefits 2024 Philippines

benefits of solo parent

In conclusion

Obtaining a Solo Parent ID in the Philippines can significantly enhance the quality of life for single parents and their children. It grants access to a wide range of benefits, from additional leave time and flexible work schedules to various forms of government assistance and educational scholarships.
It also provides legal protections against discrimination in the workplace, ensuring that solo parents are treated fairly and their rights are respected.

To avail these benefits, it is crucial for eligible solo parents in the Philippines to obtain a Solo Parent ID. The process involves applying at the City or Municipal Social Welfare and Development Office (12) , where you can also inquire for more detailed information about single parent benefits in Philippines and eligibility criteria.

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  • Are the benefits of Solo Parent ID available for Adoptive Parents?
    Yes, adoptive parents who are the sole caregivers of the child can also avail the benefits of a Solo Parent ID.
  • How long is the Solo Parent ID Valid?
    The Solo Parent ID is valid for one year and can be renewed.
  • Are there any Income Restrictions to Avail the Benefits of Solo Parent ID?
    Certain benefits, like additional support and assistance, are reserved for solo parents whose income falls below the poverty threshold set by NEDA.
  • What are the Requirements for Obtaining a Solo Parent ID?
    The application for a Solo Parent ID requires certain documents, such as a death certificate of a spouse, a declaration of nullity of marriage, or proof of designation as a legal guardian of the child, among others.
  • When is the Appropriate Time to Apply for Parental Leave?
    You should submit your parental leave application at least one week prior to your intended leave date, or earlier if possible. However, emergencies will be accommodated with immediate notification to your employer.
  • Can Parental Leave be Taken Intermittently?
    Absolutely, you can take your seven days of parental leave consecutively or in separate instances, contingent on your company's human resources department's approval.
  • How to get solo Parent Monthly Allowance in Philippines?
    Solo parents in the Philippines who are earning the minimum wage and below may receive a Php 1,000 monthly subsidy to aid with the costs of basic necessities. In order to get solo parent monthly allowance 2023 in Philippines you should apply for solo parent id card and booklet. It can be obtained at the City Social Welfare and Development Office in your city.
  • Do you need to have Permanent Employee Status to be Eligible for Parental Leave?
    No, it isn't necessary. Once you have your Solo Parent ID, you can avail of the parental leave benefit, provided you've been in service with your current employer for a minimum of one year.
Disclaimer and Editor’s note


Alyssa Divina
Author pages:
Alyssa Divina pens blog articles about a wide range of topics, such as money matters and government transactions in the Philippines. Prior to joining Digido Finance Corp., she served as a journalist for Charlton Media Group, a business news magazine, for two years. She holds a degree in Journalism from the University of the Philippines Diliman.

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